Nature Camp Foundation NewsThe Nature Camp History Project

The Nature Camp History Project – Document Submission, and Woodland Echos needed

As I gear up to begin working on the Nature Camp History Project in earnest, I have been thinking about the most basic needs we have in terms of collection of documents. Flip and I spent a few hours at camp the other day looking over what we already have, and we noticed that we are missing certain issues of the Woodland Echoes. The list of issues we are missing follows this plea; if you have saved your copies and can supply us with either the original or a copy of it, we’d be most grateful!

If you notice that you have one of the issues that we need, please email me at: and let me know. If you don’t use email, please call me at 423?329?4742. Once you contact me, I will tell you where to send the documents.

At this point, we aren’t accepting any other types of documents — the guidelines for submitting those will come later — so please hold on to other items. We’ll let you know when we’re set up and ready to accept other types of recordings, photos, films, and other paper items.

If you’re attending the reunion, you’ll get a firsthand view of what we’re putting together. The photocopier will be available during the reunion and the fall service weekend, for those who may want copies.

Hope to see you there!
Katie Hoffman, Director, Nature Camp History Project

We need the following issues of the Woodland Echoes:
1943-1952: all sessions and years
1953: first and second 1959: first, third, and fourth 1966: first and fourth
1954: all sessions 1960: third and fourth 1969: first and third
1955: all sessions 1962: third session 1970: second, third, fourth
1956: first, second, and third 1963: all sessions 1971: all sessions
1957: first 1964: third and fourth 1972: first and second sessions
1958: third session 1965: all sessions
From this point on we have an almost complete collection of issues, however, we are still missing
these following years from the 1990’s
1992: second session 1998: all sessions