From the April/May 2011 Afterglow
By the time you read this article, all four sessions may be full for the upcoming summer at NatureCamp. At press time only a handful of spaces remained available for boys in First and Second Sessions and for girls in Second. First Session filled for girls in only 10 days, and Fourth Session filled completely before the end of January. The waiting list already comprises more than 40 applicants, which, as several disappointed but understanding parents have noted, is “a good problem” for Nature Camp to have.
The Nature Camp website (www.naturecamp.net) has undergone a number of changes in the past few months. Our webmaster, Michaux Lowry Hood, implemented a content management system, which makes it much easier for me to edit content, add new pages, and post files and photographs. The site now features sections describing the history of Nature Camp and our recent efforts to secure more local sources of food and includes more testimonials from current and former campers, parents, and alumni. (I would always welcome additional contributions to this last section.) Future plans include an “online canteen,” where digital copies of Woodland Echoes would be posted and perhaps Nature Camp merchandise (T?shirts, bumper stickers, etc.) would be available for purchase (at least during the summer). Stay tuned for these developments.
One annual challenge is to arrange a full schedule of evening programs, particularly since we generally eschew films in favor of outside speakers, and I don’t want to have to ask the same people every summer. Please feel free to suggest anyone who might be able to present a topic of interest (or volunteer yourself!).
As spring advances and the beginning of our 69th summer season draws near, let me thank all of you for your loyal, steadfast, and generous support of Nature Camp. It would not be possible to maintain our facilities or to sustain the quality of our educational program without the selfless contributions of so many alumni, campers, parents, garden clubs, and friends.
? Philip “Flip” Coulling