- The final round of voting resulted in a remarkable and unprecedented three?way tie for Best All?Around Girl Camper in Fourth Session.
- The resident fauna included Eleanor, a captive red?tailed hawk owned by ornithology instructor and licensed falconer, Corey Basham.
- The abundant summer rain kept Big Mary’s Creek running steadily and produced a plethora of chanterelles and other mushrooms.
- The only significant power outage occurred when a tree fell against the power line and lasted for only a few hours.
- Cooks (and cousins) Ana and Hannah Osowski (who were joined by Adam Rotche during First Session) continued to expand Nature Camp’s procurement of local sources of food. More than 55% of food dollars were spent on items grown, raised, or produced no farther away than Richmond.
- A new digital camera enhanced photographic documentation of session activities and permitted the posting of video clips to Nature Camp’s Facebook page.
- Adult Session in August attracted perhaps a record number of attendees and culminated in a stimulating field trip exploring the geology, flora, and other natural history along a section of the Blue Ridge Parkway.
- Evening program presenters discussed production of the new Flora of Virginia, provided musical entertainment and led dancing in the L.S., and taught campers how to effect meaningful change and effectively lobby for a cause.
- The staff featured exceptional musical talent, with instrumentalists playing, at one point or another, guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, upright bass, jaw’s harp, violin, harmonica, washboard, and spoons. (And that’s to say nothing of the throat singing.)
- “Rise and Shine” glowingly ascended to the echelon of “most popular song” before evening program (and no doubt produced more than one sore throat).
Facebook users are reminded that they can “like” Nature Camp’s page here, or follow the link from the Nature Camp website (www.naturecamp.net).
– Philip Coulling, Executive Director