Through the range of activities reported in this Afterglow, it is clear that the first half of 2014 for NatureCamp and the Nature Camp Foundation has been productive, meaningful and fun.Over the past year the Nature Camp Foundation and Nature Camp, Inc have made great strides implementingthe action plan developed during the July 2013 strategic planning retreat.
On the administrative side, the overarching objective has been to develop the capacity, capabilities andinfrastructure to facilitate long range planning and corresponding development goals. To this end the Nature Camp Foundation worked with Nature Camp, Inc to establish a pilot process to ensure ongoing monitoring of facilities, facility maintenance, and funding. This new working relationship between the boards was implemented during Spring Service Weekend and to date has proven to be beneficial in efficiently utilizing board and volunteer time. In addition, we are establishing communications and fundraising infrastructure and database management systems (Blackbaud eTapestry™ ) to support greater engagement of the Nature Camp family. With strong management tools in place, we are on track to build a long range financial plan for Camp and development plan to support these needs in 2015.
While laying the ground work for future growth, the Nature Camp Foundation continued to support Camp through material and financial support. This year the NCF sponsored two Service Weekends, funded the purchase of a new griddle, range, and oven for the kitchen, a new freezer for the canteen, and an Automatic External Defibrillator to enhance camper safety. The NCF also continues to fund on an annual basis several camper scholarships.
This year has also been one of building and supporting our community. On May 3rd, the Nature Camp Foundation sponsored the Celebration of the Life of Gus Deeds at the Nature
Camp Chapel with a little more than a hundred people in attendance, including current staff, campers and their parents, and the Deeds family. On May 17th, we honored and celebrated the service of Powell Hutton and his nine year tenure as President of the Nature Camp Foundation. The celebration commenced with toasts and dinner and ended with cake, ice cream and a Contra dance with dancers ranging in age from eight to eighty. It was another fun, memorable community building activity. And a celebration of NCF’s 25th Anniversary was held at camp during Fall Service Weekend and a full report on that event will be in the next issue of the Afterglow.
Thank you to the Foundation’s founders and to all of you who contribute to Camp throughout the year.
– Annie White, NCF President
Editors note: We would like to welcome to our ranks our new president, Annie White. Someone we
feel has feet big enough to fill Powell Hutton’s shoes. She has already shown a high degree of professionalism,
and a deep love for and knowledge of Camp as she takes on this challenging leadership role.