The Nature Camp Incorporated Board of Directors met at Nature Camp in late May this year. At that meeting, we discussed the need to fill some positions on the board. Our Publicity & Promotions Director, Emily Richardson, resigned in February so we were in need of someone to complete her term. Paul Cabe, Director of Education, will have served 2 terms by this November. We have enacted term limits for the board, so a new Director of Education is necessary. And the combined duties of the Vice President/Secretary, fulfilled by Katie Hoffman, are growing. The by-laws are structured so it would be an easy matter to split the positions apart. We just have to find the right candidate. We were fortunate to find an excellent candidate for the Director of Publicity & Promotions. We are honored and delighted to have appointed Stacy Luks to the position this summer. Her daughter, Anna Homer, has attended Camp for three summers. We thank Emily Richardson for her service and look forward to working with Stacy.
The changes to the financial assistance request process generated a longer, more deliberative activity, but our Financial Aid Director, Kajsa Svarfvar, pronounced the changes successful. A few more tweaks to the process will be put into play for the coming year. Stay tuned to the Nature Camp website and to written communications for more details.
We continue to refine the processes by which we interact with the Nature Camp Foundation. The grant request process went through its first cycle this past year. Thoughtful planning and deliberation to anticipate our capital and equipment expenditures generates more information with which the NCF Development folks can formulate their appeals to you all. We are so very grateful to everyone for the generosity you demonstrate with your time, your talent and your funds that help make us a functional, successful Nature Camp.
– Amy Gonzalez, President, NCI