Service Weekend is an opportunity for the Camp community to come together and donate in a unique and remarkably valuable way to Camp while eating well, enjoying the company of familiar faces, and meeting some new ones as well. Of course, the Spring Service Weekend of 2015 was no exception. As always, we saved thousands of dollars in labor costs maintaining and repairing the buildings and grounds around Camp but we also had the opportunity to put some final touches on the newest addition to camp, the Gus Deeds Memorial Teaching Pavilion. The ground under the pavilion was reinforced with fresh gravel and drainage around the pavilion was improved through the installation of a French drain. Walter Mehring was generous enough to donate some lumber for the frame of the structure in addition to some beautiful new benches that were hand crafted from black walnut right in front of the garage using traditional carpentry hand tools (also provided by Walter). If you haven’t had the chance to see and inhabit this new structure for a few moments you’re in for a treat during your next visit.
The grand re-roofing of Camp continues; the Educational Building is now completed. The effort put forth by the team of folks who take on the multi-day task of stripping the old roofing materials and installing fresh, new tar paper and shingles deserves special recognition. Thank you to all those folks who spent so many hours up on the roof !
A remarkable amount of siding was replaced around Camp, damaged due mainly to the chamber boring efforts of the carpenter bees that call camp home. Our siding replacement specialist was Bob Edmonds, his efforts have made a dramatic difference in the integrity of many of the buildings around Camp. This new siding was then coated with carbolineum to match the rest of the boards. Thank you to those helping with that messy job!
As many of you know after attending a Service Weekend, Adult Session, Reunion, or as a camper in recent years, we have a remarkable variety of sizes and conditions when it comes to the mattresses in the bunkhouses. Great news, new mattresses that are the perfect size for our bunks arrived at Camp and were installed as well as new ladders and rails on many of the bunks to improve ease of access and safety. Not all the mattresses were replaced but those in the worst condition were removed and we’ll have all new mattresses soon. Thank you to everyone who had a part in upgrading our bunks and finding a home for those mattresses in good enough condition to be put to good use.
Camp will see a decrease in its energy usage due to new LED fixtures that were installed to replace the old fixtures in the bunkhouses and the T-houses. LED bulbs replaced the compact fluorescent bulbs in the LS as well. To round out the electrical work a new outlet was added in the kitchen as well to accommodate the new stand mixer.
A platform to accommodate a small satellite dish that provides high speed Internet to camp was built near the recreation field. Screen replacement and improvement continued around Camp, the kitchen and T-houses were cleaned thoroughly to get ready for the upcoming Reunion and summer camp season, the girl’s staff room got some new shelving, invasive plants were removed from Camp, the trail to Table Rock was re-routed slightly to improve sustainability, and a plan for improving the trail to Second Look Out was created.
Service Weekend is not all work and no play. Many enjoyed getting to know the new Camp dog – Oliver (new pup of the Coulling family). Oliver tried to help by stealing as many gloves, goggles, helmets, hats etc. as possible. He must have thought we weren’t getting enough exercise!! Evenings were spent in the LS gathered round for music, singing, and much laughter.
And meals were a treat, especially gourmet pizza night!! Thanks to a talented kitchen crew headed up by Nell Fredericksen for the good grub!! The kids in attendance, when not put to work, spent time in a pack hiking and playing in the creek and setting the foundation for some of those long and lasting camp friendships.
Thank you to Joanne, Ventry, Mia, Peter, Mack, Paul, Kim, Cassi, Garrett, Carolyn, Scott, Peter, Louise, Mary Frances, Walter, Creigh, Melissa,
Simon, Amy, Kate, Art, Mark, Paul G., Katie, Abigail, Cathie, Paul S., Flip, Shannon, Theta, Mike, Powell, Todd, Lewis, Steve, Sandra, Chuck, Adam, Annie, Matthew, Jason, John, Jeff, Maggie, Nell (our wonderful cook!), Sarah, Liam, Mia, Eleanor, Nicholas, Lily, Neil, and Celie for all your efforts, your donation saves camp so much! Look for future announcements regarding upcoming service weekends and a review of our productive Fall Service Weekend.
– Corey Basham, NCF Service Weekend Chair