The folks responsible for operation and maintenance of Nature Camp (i.e., the Board of Directors of Nature Camp, Inc.) are pleased to report that the state of Nature Camp is strong. We met in November this past year and welcomed several new members to the board. Stacy Luks, a camper parent from Richmond, joined us earlier in the year to fill the Publicity & Promotions Director position vacated by Emily Richardson. The Director of Education position has been held by Paul Cabe for 2 terms of 3 years each. Ana Edwards, also a camper parent from Richmond, has agreed to fill that position. This year, the board opted to split the position of Vice President/Secretary into two separate positions. The duties of Vice President have grown to the point where that’s enough for one person and I have been fortunate to have Katie Hoffman supporting me in that role. The Secretary position has been filled by Sarah Preston, former camper and camper parent.
Many thanks go to these good people who agree to participate so actively in overseeing the operations of Camp. Due to the institution of term limits for board members, we are always on the lookout for new candidates to bring us new ideas and perspectives. Please consider taking a turn on the board – it’s not too time-consuming, and I promise we eat well at our meetings!
Topics for discussion at the mid-year meeting in June include appropriate pay levels for our year-round employees and exploring possibilities for the renovation and rejuvenation of the museum and perhaps even the entire Education Building.
Thank you to all who give directly to Nature Camp, and to those who give to the Nature Camp Foundation, enabling them to provide us the support we need to keep Nature Camp in great physical shape and to fund the special needs of Camp.
– Amy Gonzalez, President, NCI