Greetings, Nature Camp Lovers! Another spring has sprung! Our board had a productive and successful meeting last November. At that gathering, we elected two new directors to their positions: Nina Chew Anderson is the Education Director and Joe Garvin is the Financial Assistance Director. We are fortunate to have such great folks to work with. Due to staggered, limited terms, we are always on the lookout for more participants. Think about it! Our next board meeting will take place at Nature Camp, in early June to prepare for the business of the summer.
Elsewhere in this edition of the Afterglow, you will see an update on the Education Building project, provided by our task force leader (and NCI VP), Dr. Katie Hoffman. Also, our Communications Director, Stacy Luks, describes plans for this year’s Prospective Camper Day on July 22nd.
Some topics of governance cross responsibilities between our two boards: Nature Camp, Inc. and the Nature Camp Foundation. That’s one of the reasons why the Presidents and the Treasurers attend each others’ board meetings as well as their own. This spring, we had some topics that required attention from a few more heads, so we had a cross-board working group meeting with members from each board in Richmond in March to discuss an ongoing board development process and to flesh out some details in handling major gifts (in case someone feels inclined to be generous in the future).
Speaking of generosity – let me express my personal appreciation to the individuals and organizations who have made it a priority to donate time, talent, or money to support Nature Camp. All of those things are gifts to us and our future. And for those gifts we give thanks.
– Amy Gonzalez, Nature Camp, Inc. President