The middle Saturday of this year’s 3rd Session presented glorious weather for our gathering of 30 visitors from throughout Virginia and beyond, who came to participate in Camp’s third annual Prospective Camper Day. As in past years, most attendees were families preparing to send children to Nature Camp for the first time, either for the upcoming 4th Session or for 2018. The day afforded all a relaxed opportunity to make connections, familiarize themselves with the grounds & facilities, meet current campers, staff (& resident felines), and nip those nascent first-timer fears in the bud.
Our gratitude goes to former camper/staffer/head counselor Barak Brashear, who extended his visit as Friday’s evening program guest speaker to conduct a mini-herpetology class in the lab with Saturday’s group, as well as an exploration of salamanders in the outside classroom by Big Mary’s Creek. Thank you, Barak!
Mark your 2018 calendar for our 4th annual Prospectives day – once again the middle Saturday of 3rd Session, which will fall on July 21st. As always, we’ll anticipate families/campers who are due to attend Nature Camp in 4th session and want to get a look and feel of the place before they arrive . We also welcome anyone who would enjoy a short-afternoon summer dose of Nature Camp!
Quote from a thank-you email from a camper’s dad:
“It was great and very glad we saw the camp before our visit! If I run into any “what do I need to pack” issues, I’ll certainly let you know!”
– Stacy Luks, Publicity and Promotions, Nature Camp, Inc.