Saturday July 22nd
WHEN: 2:00 – 5:00 PM
WHERE: Nature Camp
WHO: All Prospective Campers & their Families
DETAILS: Nature Camp extends an open invitation to prospective campers and their families, and other interested first-time-visitors, to spend the afternoon with us enjoying an on-site sneak-peak of our special place in the George Washington National Forest. Come and glimpse what makes us so special and life-changing!
We welcome prospective campers of all ages – especially those approaching the age of summer sleepaway camp – to experience our facilities via a Camp tour, and to engage in mini-environmental educational and recreational experiences akin to what our campers enjoy during typical 2-week summer sessions. Our tour will include the bunkhouses, our gathering/dining hall (otherwise known as the ‘L.S’), our outdoor classrooms & pavilion, the canteen, the lab, library & museum complex, as well as our pool, swimming holes, Big Mary’s Creek, and nearby walking trails. A sample lesson will be offered to provide a glimpse of the hands-on experiential learning happening every day at Camp, in which we take special pride.
This Saturday afternoon date marks the mid-way point of our 3rd session, so visitors will see Camp in full swing with campers in grades 7 & 8. You’ll also get a chance to meet our Camp Director, senior counselors, and a board member or two.
We look forward to welcoming you – please spread the word about this special opportunity!
To ensure that we are prepared for you, PLEASE RSVP by 5 pm Monday, July 16th to Stacy Luks, Director of Publicity & Promotions, at sphomer@comcast.net or 703-405-3763.