NCF Board Development and Position Updates
Annie White gave us 3 plus years of faithful, dedicated leadership as NCF President and has helped to add needed structure to many of our processes. Her tireless commitment to moving Nature Camp forward will surely be missed! Completing the end of Annie’s term and assuming the mantle of President is Nell Fredericksen. Nell comes to us after 9 years and countless hours of work as our Communications director. Before that she was a counselor and camper and her two children are current campers. She also designs the camp t-shirts each year and prepares delicious meals at Service Weekends. We are delighted to have her at the helm for the next several years!
Sharon Keith has been appointed to fulfill the remainder of Nell’s term as Communications Chair this year and to fill the position for the next full term starting January 1, 2018. Sharon was both a camper and counselor and has had both of her children attend Camp. Since moving back into this area she has wanted to get more involved and brings to the position new energy and a strong knowledge base.
After helping camp transition to more socially responsible investing as Finance chair during this last term, Kevin Wheeler will be stepping down. We are grateful for his service and expertise in helping camp achieve its long term financial goals. Elizabeth Knapp has been appointed our new Finance Chair. Elizabeth is a former camper and counselor and her children are also campers.
Chris Chamberlin has served two full terms as the NCF Vice President. We thank him for his wise counsel, heading up elections each year, and dedicated service. Sarah Hulcher was elected to fill this position starting in January 2018 and we welcome her back to the board. Sarah is a former camper and counselor and has served on the NCF board in the past as Secretary.
With Elizabeth Knapp’s move to Finance Chair she vacated her At Large position. The board has appointed Jason Farr to complete her term. He will be working on the new Board Development Committee to help develop and streamline our process of populating board positions.
The new Board Development Committee has been created to identify and recruit talented people to help serve on the board and on a variety of committees and sub-committees. The BDC, co-chaired by the NCF and NCI Vice Presidents, with additional board members serving on the committee as well. At present, we have a strong need for a Communications Committee to help share the work of the Communications Chair. We also would value a Development (fundraising) Committee to help our Chair reach out to those who wish to give money to support camp as well as to aid in special campaigns. If you have any interest in serving on the board or it’s committees please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below. I look forward to reaching out and expanding the breadth of in-kind support for Nature Camp!
Contact Sarah Hulcher: hulchers@yahoo.com