We are looking forward to again hosting our now-fourth annual “sneak-peek” at Nature Camp for prospective campers on the middle Saturday of this year’s 3rd Session.
Thanks to Flip Coulling informing campers and their families about this event as part of their notice of acceptance to Camp in February, we always get a rush of RSVPs in the winter – a lovely way to put us in a summer-season mindset (this has been especially welcome during this long winter of 2018!).
We hosted an enthusiastic and grateful group of 30+ for the 2017 “prospectives’ day.” As always, the expressions of thanks received from attendees tell us the day is extremely helpful, especially for soon-to-be 4th session first-timers, their siblings, and parents/grandparents. Seeing Camp’s setting and surrounds; touring the bunkhouses, outdoor classrooms, educational buildings and the L.S.; making connections with enthusiastic resident-campers, and sampling a class in Big Mary’s Creek and on the Buttermilk Springs trail – not to mention meeting Flip, some of the counselors, and Amy Beaird – are all valuable touch points for those that make the journey to Vesuvius.
As for spreading the word about Prospective Camper Day, we now enjoy what has become a yearly tradition of being featured on Richmond PBS radio station WCVE’s “Science Matters” Community Calendar Pick-of-the-Week during the month of June. As well, we post the event on other public broadcast radio platforms across the state. If you know of any additional outlets we should tap, please let us know. Also, please help us spread the word about Prospective Camper Day through your networks. We have a continuing focus on middle school educators — teachers, librarians, nature center and after-school program administrators, etc. who can help us identify rising 5th & 6th grade boys, especially, as well as girls – that initial entry age for camp population whose ranks tend to fill up more slowly than the older campers.
As always, look for postings about 2018 Prospective Camper Day on Camp’s website and Facebook page, fliers will also be available at Service Weekend, Adult Session, and Camp 1st and 2nd session, but please reach out if you would like a small supply to share.
For further information please contact me – sphomer@comcast.net; tel 703.405.3763