Caretaker Ventry Smith captured this photo of the Girls’s Swimming Hole from the bridge yesterday morning.
Florence has moved on and clear skies are on the way. With that forecast in mind, the Nature Camp Foundation has rescheduled the Fall Service Weekend for this upcoming weekend, September 21-23. While it will not be on the scale of our family-oriented Service Weekends, there will still be food and fellowship mixed in with our service to a place we love. If this weekend is not possible for you, then we look forward to seeing you next time!
So that we may better estimate the number of participants for whom to plan (and whom to feed), please RSVP to Service Weekend Chair Theta Miller at theta_miller@hotmail.com. The Nature Camp Foundation will provide all meals from dinner on Friday to lunch on Sunday. Please, when you respond, also indicate any dietary restrictions you may have.
Accommodations will be available in the bunkhouses. Tenting is also possible. Participants must sign waivers of liability, and unaccompanied minors cannot be permitted. Forms will be provided on site, but they are also available for previewing here: https://naturecamp.net/applications-and-forms/release-and-waiver-of-liability-forms/
We hope to see many of you at Nature Camp later this week!