Nature Camp Foundation News

We Still Need Your Help

In this first NCF publication of 2008, we expected to announce the conclusion of the Campaign for Nature Camp and the launch of the NCF’s Annual Fund, the proceeds of which will support operating costs such as the mailing of The Afterglow to more than 2000 recipients, provide scholarships for Nature Campers, and better prepare Camp for a strong future. However, a recent NCF Board discussion presented two reasons to make one final campaign push and postpone introduction of the Annual Fund until the next issue.

First, while some people have heard informally that there will be a permanent display at Nature Camp featuring campaign donors, we want now to communicate broadly that the threshold for inclusion has been set at gifts or pledges of at least $1000. So, if you would like to see your name included in the commemorative display, please take this final opportunity to complete the form in this Afterglow and make your campaign gift or pledge (payable over three years) today. And if you have intended to participate in the campaign, but not at this level, be assured that your gift or pledge in any amount is truly appreciated and does make a difference.

The second reason for this last campaign appeal is that funds are still needed. While the astounding generosity of so many Camp supporters has resulted in a total of nearly $600,000, a portion of these funds was designated for non-construction items such as scholarship support, publications, service weekends, and other important donor-directed needs. The remaining gifts and pledges, when fully paid, will cover the estimated cost of the plumbing and electrical work currently underway at Camp, but it would be prudent and indeed essential to provide for the cost overrun that is to be expected on any construction project.

Please consider adding your name to the many campaign supporters that we have gratefully listed in this Afterglow. Generations of future Nature Campers will know that, at this pivotal time in Nature Camp’s history, an extraordinary group of Camp friends of every age and from all walks of life gave selflessly to ensure that Camp’s magic endures.

Anne Rottenborn Balto, Campaign Chair
Latham Schweitzer Coates, Development Chair

From Afterglow 72 March-April 2008