Please help us spread the word about Nature Camp to potential new campers. Enrollment numbers at this time look quite strong—we are full for girls…
We have successfully concluded our capital campaign launched in 2006 which raised more than $620,000 in pledges. Your support has been unparalleled and has made…
The latest Afterlglow (NCF Newsletter) is now available for download. Click here to go to the Afterglow page:
The ballots have been counted for the Vice Presidential election (thanks to Nancy Lowry) and the incumbent, Cammie Tuskey Hutton, won the election. One hundred…
Nature Camp’s truck is in need of replacement before the snow flies this winter (yes, it snows quite a bit in the valley between Mine…

We had a very successful service weekend September 18-21, 2008. We had three major projects and were able to complete all three, as well as a…
We had another wonderfully successful and thoroughly enjoyable Fall Hike Day on Saturday, October 11, 2008. Close to 70 people attended the event, which raised…