Save the Date! Come to the Nature Camp Reunion Labor Day Weekend 2010, September 3rd-5th! Former campers and counselors from all generations are encouraged to…
We got lost on the way—twice— while attempting to reach the trailhead for St. Mary’s River Gorge. It was a rather inauspicious start to a…
There has been some recent confusion as to what constitutes a “Member” of the Nature Camp Foundation. As our organization has grown and evolved over…
We had a very successful Service Weekend May 15-17, 2009. We had a number of projects and were able to complete almost all that were on…
The October family hikes organized by Paul Cabe and Leigh Anne Beavers have been very popular and successful. Last year’s hike had 60 people attending…
Last year the Foundation revised its by?laws to provide staggered terms for officers and committee chairs, with a third of them to be elected or…
The Service Committee has several projects for this year. The caretaker’s house needs new windows, and sheet rock installed in the ceiling. The L.S. Building…
Please help us spread the word about Nature Camp to potential new campers. Enrollment numbers at this time look quite strong—we are full for girls…
We have successfully concluded our capital campaign launched in 2006 which raised more than $620,000 in pledges. Your support has been unparalleled and has made…
The latest Afterlglow (NCF Newsletter) is now available for download. Click here to go to the Afterglow page: